
Call of duty world at war zombies cheats xbox 360
Call of duty world at war zombies cheats xbox 360

call of duty world at war zombies cheats xbox 360

The game is based on an enhanced version of the IW engine developed by Infinity Ward with increased development on audio and visual effects. A new feature to the series was the addition of a cooperative mode, which supports up to two players locally and four players online, as well as the introduction of the Zombies mode, which became a mainstay in Call of Duty games developed by Treyarch.ĭevelopment for World at War took two years and began after the release of Treyarch's previous title, Call of Duty 3, which was also set in World War II and was their first title they developed for the series. The game also contains downloadable content called "map packs", which can be purchased online. Vehicles, in the form of tanks, that players can control appear on certain multiplayer maps.

call of duty world at war zombies cheats xbox 360 call of duty world at war zombies cheats xbox 360

The multiplayer component of the game contains various game modes and a leveling system that allows the player to unlock additional weapons and rewards as they progress, similar to Call of Duty 4 and repeated in many following Call of Duty entries. The games missions are based on several historical battles. Miller, US Navy Petty Officer Locke, and Red Army soldier Private Dimitri Petrenko. It is told from the perspectives of Marine Raider Private C. The campaign focuses on the Pacific and Eastern Front theaters involving the United States, Empire of Japan, Soviet Union, and Nazi Germany. It is the fifth main installment of the Call of Duty series and takes place in World War II. It was released for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Wii and Xbox 360 in November 2008. Call of Duty: World at War is a 2008 first-person shooter game developed by Treyarch and published by Activision.

Call of duty world at war zombies cheats xbox 360