
Maya hand model
Maya hand model

maya hand model

However, the gray background can be access by pressing Alt-b a few times and cycling through the various options.) (Note that most of the images below are from an older version of Maya. It is a good idea to start modeling from your reference from the beginning as it will make it easier to tweak the overall form once the topology is set. Edge loops should be the same and it is a matter of conforming your model to your reference. Create a new MayaĪlso, the images below have proper edge flow but are not necessarily following the same reference as the one you are using until the final steps. Project we will be working in the Polygons menu set. Use the given images as the reference for the hand your are to model.

maya hand model

In this project we will create a subdivision surface hand using polygon

  • Mesh → Smooth - Puts a "smooth node" on the selected mesh, subdividing it.
  • Edit Mesh → Merge to Center - Merges selected vertices to their center.
  • Edit Mesh → Merge - Merges selected vertices within a certain distance threshold together.
  • Mesh → Extract - Makes the selected faces their own separate object.
  • H (Shift + h) - Unhides the currently selected object.
  • The object can still be selected in the Outliner, though its
  • Ctrl + h - Hides the currently selected.
  • You will likely make switching between the locators in one frame, otherwise the gun will hang in midair.įind more info in the Help, search Parent constraint. Parent the machine gun under the gunHolder (MMB-drag in the Outliner), and position the gun like it is in the hand.Īnimate your character and the gun will move with the locator which has the 1, not 0. play with other value combos to understand how it works.Ĥ. Make all values 0 except the one for the hand, leave it to 1 - the gunHolder moves into soldiers hand, set keys for all those chans. Now, the gunHolder has a constraint node with extra attributes with the channels named after your scene locators, each set to 1.0, and the gunHolder moved somewhere inbetween.ģ. Make one more locator from Create menu, rename it to gunHolder_LOC and parentContstrain (maintain offset OFF) it to all those previously mentioned locators. Position and parent several locators in the scene - ground, character's spine, character's right hand etc.

    Maya hand model